50 Affirmations for Artists & Creatives

These 50 affirmations for artists and creatives are ideas for encouragement, inspiration, creativity, and resilience. They can be used as affirmations for self esteem and motivation, especially on the days where we feel stuck or are struggling.
You’ve been working on a project but it doesn’t feel like it’s getting anywhere. No new artwork, no new ideas that feel inspiring. You feel like you’ve been trying to make something but a blank slate or complete mess of an idea is what’s staring back at you. Your creativity seems nonexistent. It could be that self doubt is now popping in to say hello and even trying to make you second guess your goals. Or you’re annoyed and mad at yourself because you made a mistake or things are just wrong no matter what you do for the current work in progress. Maybe, this new skill you’ve been practicing is taking way longer than you thought to get better at, or perhaps you’re scared to try something new because perfectionism is whispering about failure. Whatever’s going on, emotions can easily drag you down or spiral, which just weakens the drive for creativity and solutions even more.
So, instead of getting more frustrated, putting yourself down, or giving up altogether, take a deep breath and change the approach. Let’s see how affirmations can act as a supportive reminder for you, the artist, creative thinker, or the person feeling stuck right now. Reading and saying affirmations can give you a chance to change your conversation with yourself and refocus. This shift is key to reset and cultivate an environment that is more rewarding to you. It allows more motivation or inspiration to be found in the process. Increasing the chance you can achieve what you want and carry on making your valuable art and creative work for this world.
What are affirmations?
The general dictionary definition of the word affirmation is the action or process of affirming something. The verb affirm is another word for declaring or stating something. Affirmations are positive or neutral statements that you can use for your self-talk or internal dialogue. These phrases assist in challenging negative thoughts and that notorious self criticism, artists and creatives know quite well.
We can get trapped in our internal thoughts, fears, and frustrations. The point is to not stay trapped forever. Saying affirmations are a quick and simple way to reframe mental attitudes and provide encouragement or emotional support for yourself. Affirmations are basically a pep talk. They can ultimately improve your mindset in the long term. You can gain resilience and confidence, while becoming kinder and more understanding of yourself.
If you’re unfamiliar with this concept, or heard of affirmations and immediately did an eye roll, that’s okay. Making a point to say affirmations to yourself might garner another eye roll or deep sigh to yourself, as you think “Seriously? What’s this going to do?” You might not even 100% believe in the phrase you’re saying, but the fact you’re saying it and choosing to take a step to get yourself out of a negative headspace is what matters, even if it doesn’t feel like it at that moment.
How to use affirmations
Pick a few affirmations from the list below. You can also modify any of the ideas in my list to better fit your situation, if you choose to make your own affirmations. Pick ones you like or ones you think you can learn to like more. Your belief in the affirmation helps in making them become more effective. So, let yourself embrace the idea. (It doesn’t hurt to try.) After you’ve made your list of favorite creative affirmations, now is the time to commit to routinely reminding yourself of them.
Write down the affirmations you picked and repeat them to yourself. You can say them aloud, journal with them, create typography or art out of them, or leave them on a sticky note somewhere you’ll notice. Using affirmations is pretty simple. Making them a habit is more of the challenge. There’s no rules aside from keeping up with reminding yourself of them— especially at times when negative thoughts and emotions are building.
Artist or not, these affirmations can be used by anyone in need of some inspiring words. I hope these affirmations encourage more of your imagination, potential, and abilities to create art and grow as an artist or maker.
50 Affirmations for Artists and Creatives to Improve Your Mindset:
I am in the process of creating work that speaks to me.
My creative perspective is worth sharing.
I am making progress in my skills through trying.
I am enough regardless of the results of my work.
My goal is becoming clearer with each step.
I’m working to make my future self proud.
I am an infinite source of creativity.
I create work for myself to enjoy.
I have the resources to create within me.
I am capable of moving forward through this.
I am letting go of perfectionism and focusing on action.
My actions forward allow me to learn and grow.
I have the tools to try.
I am full of artistic ideas and I am always seeking them.
My creative endeavors matter.
I see potential in the unknown.
I am present and embracing this challenge.
I am letting go of comparison.
I am letting go of doubt and worry.
I can learn something new from this.
With practice, I can only improve.
I have the determination to succeed.
New ideas are all around for me to discover.
There are people who appreciate my art.
Creativity can occur at any moment.
My art is worth investing my energy into.
I will see how things unfold.
I am improving through practice.
Someone appreciates my art.
My art matters to me and that’s what matters.
Today, I choose to create and see what happens.
My art is worthy to show to others.
I am energized and excited to make something.
I recognize my feelings and use them to create.
I am learning more as I continue on.
Through action, I am gaining experience.
I honor my perspective by valuing my work.
I am trying this for the fun of it.
I have the ability to create.
I have the courage and determination to make something meaningful.
As I continue to create, I refine my skills as an artist.
I have the creativity I need within me.
My artistic potential has no limits.
I am worthy of selling my art.
My art is created by me and that is my strength.
I am allowed to be proud of my work.
I accept criticism and take what is of value to me.
I enjoy the freedom my art provides.
I can achieve what I want in my work.
I am grateful for my creativity.
Below, I’ve made a few graphics with some of my personal favorites from my creative affirmations list. Maybe, one will resonate with you. If decide you use one of my designs, please let me know by sending me a message, commenting on Pinterest, or tagging me on Instagram!

That's my list of affirmations for artists and creatives. You'll get through your current rough patch, creative block, or artistic struggle. Keep creating.